I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Oslo. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley. I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics in 2022.
My research interests include Innovation, International Trade and Spatial Economics.
We exploit the introduction of Jet airplanes to study the diffusion and creation of knowledge. Jet airplanes led to innovation convergence across locations and contributed to the shift in innovation activity towards the South and the West of the United States.
Best paper award
RIEF conference 2021.
Joint with Abhishek Nagaraj and Matteo Tranchero
Joint with Gabrielle Gambuli
Joint with Stefan Pauly
We study the impact of the expansion of US railroads in the late 19th century on patenting activity. We combine historical data on patents and the railroad network. We find that once a county is better connected to other counties with high patenting activity, patenting in that county goes up, controlling for increased market access. This effect is stronger if innovation in connected counties is complementary, calculated as the technological proximity in an input-output matrix of patent citations. We derive a model based on the framework in Eaton and Kortum (2002) that rationalizes these findings.
This paper studies empirically the impact of foreign demand on domestic innovation. I use multi-country multi-product data on patents and international trade for the period 1995-2010. I construct a measure of foreign demand for each product and country, and relate it to changes in patenting within that country. The results are in line with the theoretical predictions of Aghion et al. (2017) where initially more productive exporters increase the innovation effort as response to an exogenous increase in demand.
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, NBER Data Privacy, CEPR ERWIT, EEA-ESEM, ETSG, Universitè de Genève, LACEA-LAMES, SED Winter Meeting
University of California Berkeley, Stanford Rising Stars Workshop, University of Oslo, Helsinki Graduate School of Economics, FREIT SETC, BI Business School
Federal Reserve Board, CREI - Pompeu Fabra, LMU Munich, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Bank of Canada, FGV EPGE, Insper, University of Oslo, Spring Meeting of Young Economists EAYE, FREIT San Diego, University of California Berkeley Haas, Student Workshop in Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation, European Meeting Urban Economics Association, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Geneva Local GTDW, Paris GSIE Seminar, INSEAD/Collège de France, European Meeting UEA, UAB Lunch Webinar, Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days, CIREQ PhD, ITFA Annual Conference, African Meeting ES, Annual Conference AFSE, IAAE Annual Conference, CIEC ESPOL, Annual Conference ITEA, IMF, Bavarian Young Economist Meeting, SED Annual Meeting, Australasian Meeting ES, International Schumpeter Society, YES Princeton, European Economics Association, ifo Dresden Regional Economics, RIEF Paris, ENTER Jamboree Barcelona, LSE Graduate Economic History Seminar, Applied Young Economist Webinar. Scheduled: University of Oslo, European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society
WTO Research Workshop, Montevideo Graduate Workshop
Lecturer and Tutor, Fall 2023, 2024
Teaching Assistant for Professors Fabrice Collard and Christian Hellwig. Winter 2020
Teaching Assistant for Professors Tiziana Assenza and Nicolas Werquin. Fall 2020
Support Programme for Doctoral Studies. October 2020 - April 2021.
Hosted by Prof. Thomas Chaney. Winter 2019.